The Wells Brothers: Blue Read online

Page 3

  Too bad neither worked.

  Blue fell back on his arse, then his shoulders hit the floor. Only quick reflexes managed to keep his noggin from slamming onto the floor boards.

  The woman fell right on top of him, momentarily knocking the breath from him. For several seconds he lay there flat on the floor, becoming rapidly conscious of several things at once.

  She smelled good, all sweet and flowery.

  She was very curvy, her softness pressing rather deliciously against his harder frame.

  She was warm.

  She also had a bountiful bosom that right now was pressed against his face. Even through the blouse he could feel the warm softness of those breasts.

  “Cripes!” the woman exclaimed, startled, while starting to struggle up.

  Regaining his senses, Blue grabbed each side of her ribcage to help her into an upright position.

  Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she pushed back. His face was momentarily covered by a thick swathe of silky hair before the heavy curtain lifted away and he found himself in another not-quite-good-but-not-quite-bad position.

  Now the unknown woman was straddling his hips, her bent knees hugging his lean waist. Looking up at her, he was immediately taken by a pair of big brown eyes staring down at him in mortification. A pert little nose lay beneath those eyes, below that some incredibly lush lips that even now were babbling apologies.

  “Oh geez, I’m so sorry. I’m so clumsy! This is - I didn’t - bum!”

  Shit, this had to be Charley’s girlfriend. And she was straddling him. And worse, he didn’t mind. Hell, what red-blooded man would mind? This very curvy, very pretty sheila was straddling his hips, piquing his interest. In fact, he could felt that rush of warmth from her soft thighs to his shaft.

  But nope, this was all wrong. So wrong. This was some other man’s girlfriend. His lodger’s girlfriend, in fact. Nope, not going there. Plus he himself had a girlfriend, so having any kind of interest in this woman was a no-go.

  “It’s okay,” Blue began. “Just hop up and-”

  “So very sorry.” She used the wall for support as she rather awkwardly scrambled upright.

  Blue followed swiftly and a lot more awkwardly when he found himself fisting the towel in front of his rapidly interested male appendage - damn thing! - while trying to stop the towel falling off completely and thereby baring his naked arse to the woman. As soon as he was up, he had his backside plastered against the wall like some kind of virgin at an orgy.

  “Ummm.” The woman was looking up at the ceiling. “Yes, well…”

  “Sorry.” He scrabbled with his other hand to get the towel securely wrapped around his hips.

  “Nah, its fine.” She tucked a shoulder-length lock of honey-blonde hair behind her ear, smiled, glanced briefly at him, and blushed just a little before spinning around. “I’ll get the kettle on. Coffee or tea?”

  “Ah…black tea.” Watching her quick departure, Blue couldn’t help but watch the sway of those shapely hips. Man, she was all curves.

  As soon as she disappeared around the corner, he regained his senses and retreated to his bedroom. Throwing on jocks, jeans, t-shirt and sneakers, he ran a comb through his damp hair, stuck his wallet and keys in his back pocket, and headed back to the kitchen.

  Though he was looking forward to seeing his Dad, he had agreed to a cuppa first. Okay, it was mainly because he’d been a little taken-aback, but he was brought up to mind his manners so he’d have the cuppa before he left.

  Entering the kitchen, he saw a mug on the bench with a tea bag in it, while an icy tin of Diet Coke stood beside it, condensation running down the outside to be soaked up in the tissue folded beneath it. Already pouring hot water into the mug, the woman glanced up briefly with a smile.

  Not seeing a bloke around, Blue opened a jar with ‘Biccies’ scrawled on the side and surveyed the assortment of cream biscuits inside. “Where’s Charley?”


  Choosing several biccies, he held the jar out to her in silent invitation. “Charley.”

  “Charley.” Rather than accept the invitation, she stared at him. “Uh…here?”

  “You don’t know?” He waggled the jar encouragingly.

  “Don’t know what?”

  Maybe she wasn’t as bright as she looked. “If your boyfriend is here.”


  Oh, definitely a few ‘roos short in the top paddock. “Your boyfriend, Charley.”

  Her eyebrows went up in surprise, then lowered in puzzlement.

  As Blue watched the dance of the eyebrows, she suddenly smiled widely - really widely, a sparkle filling the warm brown eyes as she plucked out a biscuit. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “What?” He froze in the process of screwing on the jar lid.

  “Well, I kind of do.”

  “Kind of,” he repeated. “You and Charley have a fight?” In which case, what the hell was she doing in his house? He certainly didn’t want to get involved with a fighting couple in his house. And he certainly didn’t want a couple fighting in his house.

  “I mean,” she replied, “I’m Charley.”


  “I’m Charley.”

  “You’re who?”


  “You’re Charley?”

  Holding out a hand, she nodded. “Charlotte Carter. Charley for short.”

  Struck dumb for several seconds, Blue stared at her, then down at her hand. Finally, he reached out to engulf her much smaller one in his large paw and shook gingerly. “Charley.”

  “Your lodger.”

  “Lodger.” Now he sounded like the idiot.

  “You’re Blue Wells.” Charley didn’t seem to mind his idiotic echoing. “Mikki told me a bit about you.”

  “She did?” Releasing her hand, Blue sat on one of the high stools and looked politely interested - he hoped - while subtly checking out Charley, his female lodger.

  “Well, some. You’re a soldier, you’re Luke’s baby brother, you come home now and again.” Taking a sip of Diet Coke, she studied him frankly over top of the tin. “It’s pretty obvious you also had no idea that I was female.”

  “Sorry.” Realising how he must still be staring at her, Blue shook his head, reached for the mug, took a fortifying sip of hot tea before regarding her just as frankly over the rim, narrowing his eyes a little as steam curled up from the hot liquid. “I kind of expected my lodger to be a bloke. You took me by surprise.”

  “So I gathered. Is it a problem?”

  Was it? Blue continued to study her. He’d expected a bloke, had just presumed his brothers would find a male lodger, especially knowing he’d be sharing the house when he was on leave. In fact, why hadn’t Aaron or Luke told him? Or had they presumed he already knew? Definitely a question he’d be asking at tonight’s family gathering.

  Charley continued to sip at the Diet Coke while waiting patiently for him to formulate a reply.

  Realising how rude he must seem - geez, his Dad would have given him one of those looks if he knew - Blue lowered the mug to the counter and glanced around the kitchen. Everything tidy, everything in its place. Did it really matter that his lodger was female?

  Actually, no, it didn’t. In fact, as long as she kept his home as well cared for as she obviously had done, Blue didn’t mind at all. Yep, he did have some reservations about bathroom sharing, but apart from that he was sure he could ignore the tampons under the sink.

  He smiled slightly. “It’s all good.”

  “It is?”


  She visibly relaxed. “Thank goodness for that. I was starting to think I’d have to look for a new place to rent.”

  “No need.” Blue took a mouthful of biccie. “So, what do you do for a crust, Charley?”

  “I’m a nurse.”

  “Which hospital?”

  “Nursing home, actually.”

  “Which nursing home?”

  “The one a
mile up the road.”

  A quick mental search and Blue locked onto the big, sprawling nursing home. “Oh yeah. Blue tiled roof, high fence?”

  “That’s the one.”

  He dunked a second biccie in the hot tea. “So, how did my brothers find you?”

  “Mikki. I’m friends with her.” Charley leaned folded arms on the counter.

  Okay, that did impressive things to her generous bosom. Squidged up by her arms, they swelled nicely onto the bench top.

  Which he certainly had no business noticing because he had a girlfriend. And Charley had a boyfriend.

  Blue manfully kept his gaze on her face. “Oh?”

  “Well, friends with her now,” Charley amended. “Friendly. Her Aunt Elspeth knows my Mum, and when Elspeth heard that I was looking for a place to stay after coming home from travelling, she mentioned it to Mikki. It just happened that Luke and Aaron were looking for someone to rent your house.” She paused. “Room, I mean.”

  “Renting the room with use of the house,” Blue confirmed.


  Leaning his forearms on the counter, he glanced up at the sunflower clock. “Yours?”


  “This explains a lot.” He started to laugh quietly.

  “It does?”

  “The scented bottles with the sticks, the feminine touches.”


  “I was starting to think that Charley was in touch with his feminine side.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “I like to think I’m in touch with my feminine side.”

  “My other theory,” Blue said, enjoying her amusement, “was that Charley had a girlfriend staying over.”


  “Obviously.” He cradled the mug between his hands. “So, boyfriend, huh?”

  “Yes.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “In fact, I have a date tonight. I need to run out and get a couple of things first.” She looked at him. “Anything you want picked up from the shops?”

  “Nah, I’ll do a mosey down there tomorrow.” Straightening, Blue drained the last of the tea from the mug before pushing to his feet. “I’m heading out to my Dad’s now. I’ll see you around.”

  Soft drink tin in hand, Charley walked around the bench and started for the hallway. “Have a nice time.”

  “You, too.” Rinsing the mug in the sink, Blue added, “It was nice to finely meet you.”

  Turning, she walked backwards as she gave him another bright smile, little lines crinkling engagingly at the corners of her eyes, those cute apple cheeks a faint pink. “I pass muster, Sir?”

  Amused, he saluted. “You pass muster.”

  With a laugh, she swung around on her heel and left.

  Blue found himself watching the gentle sway of rounded hips beneath the light, flowing, flower-patterned pants, the sunshine yellow cotton of her top loose for the summer heat though it was nice inside the house.

  He had to admit that his impression of his housemate was bright and sweet. Charley might not be a bloke - as far from a bloke as one could get, in fact - but from what he’d seen so far, they’d get on just fine.

  Feeling immensely better, he placed his mug in the draining board and headed out to the garage. Opening the door, he noted what was obviously Charley’s little yellow five door car parked on one side. Next to it stood his old Holden ute, battered and having seen better days. It had been his first car and he’d never bothered trading it in for anything flashier or newer when he only drove it while home on leave. What drew him was his pride and joy parked behind the ute.

  Carefully folding back the heavy tarp, he revealed the big Honda VFR800X motorcycle, running his hands lovingly over the cool lines, the sleekness calling to him. Across the seat was his leather jacket, atop which sat the helmet.

  The motorbike was clean, and he was grateful to his family for ensuring someone took it for a spin at least once a month. It was either Aaron or Jason, because Luke just wasn’t into motorcycles, had never gotten a license to drive one. He much preferred his work ute and plants.

  Go figure.

  Donning the leather jacket despite the heat - he’d seen enough torn skin from bike accidents to last a lifetime, bearing a scar down the back of one arm from his I-Know-Better days - Blue carefully backed the heavy bike out of the garage and pointed it towards the gate, shutting the garage door before he swung his leg over the motorbike and settled onto the seat with a contented sigh. The engine rumbled powerfully to life and he sucked in a deep breath, enjoying the feel of sunshine warming him, the bike between his thighs, the power at his fingertips. The freedom.

  Donning the helmet, he flipped the visor down and placed his hands on the handles. So easy to flick it into gear and give it some throttle, the motorcycle moving smoothly along the driveway as he guided it to the road, then he turned onto it, gave it more throttle and leaned into the bike.

  Within minutes he was roaring down the highway, the wind spearing past him, the road’s lines flashing beneath the tyres.

  Grinning widely, he basked in it. Freedom. Freedom from fighting, freedom from nerves, freedom from wondering if an armed assault was going to flare up, freedom from patrolling.

  Freedom. And peace.

  But as much as he loved riding the powerful machine, loved the freedom, there was one other that he wanted - needed - to see more.

  Ten minutes later he was throttling down, turning onto a familiar street, straightening as he slowed, indicated and pulled into the driveway behind the big work truck with ‘Wells Handyman and Building Services’ printed on the back and sides.

  Dad was home.

  Switching off the bike, he took off the helmet, spearing fingers through his short hair as he looked at the big, old, ramshackle house where he’d grown up. It had been home for as long as he could remember, was still home. Back at base, in his room, he had a photo that went everywhere with him. It was of him, Luke, Aaron and his dad sitting on the front steps of this house.

  Kicking out the stand, Blue swung his leg over the bike and straightened, the helmet loose in one hand.

  At the same instance the front door opened and a big, tall, broad-shouldered man came down the steps of the house.


  Striding forward, Blue met his father partway. Stopping before him, Blue simply hugged him. Hard.

  Blue was muscular, the need of an Army soldier to keep fit ensuring he worked-out regularly, but the strength in the arms surrounding him now, the heavy muscles of the chest against which he was pulled, were from sheer hard work. Work-roughened hands held him close.

  Heck, Dad even smelled like work. Sweat, dirt, honest work of a handyman and builder.

  Blue hugged him harder, closed his eyes, uncaring who saw them. After the shit he’d seen, all he wanted was to hug his Dad after so many months of absence. He had to swallow the lump in his throat, but he sure as hell wasn’t embarrassed by it.

  Without saying a word, Mr Wells hugged him harder in turn.

  Neither had to say anything, not when their embrace said it all.

  Finally, Blue pulled back. “Hey, Dad.”

  “Son.” Big hands came out to settle on his shoulders as Mr Wells studied his face keenly. “You’re looking okay.”

  “I try.”

  Mr Wells laughed softly, turning to sling a brawny arm around Blue’s shoulders. “Come on. Your aunt cooked chocolate cake for you. I’ll put the kettle on for a cuppa.”

  “Did she put chocolate chips in the cake?”

  “Of course.”

  “And chocolate icing?”

  “When has she never for you?”

  “Just checking.” Blue’s mouth was already salivating.

  Once inside, Mr Wells veered off into the kitchen while Blue placed his helmet on the hall sideboard and followed more slowly, allowing the familiar scents, sounds and sights of home fill him as he walked. He marvelled at how nothing had changed, it was still big, old, filled with dark furniture broken by the feminine touches of flo
ral curtains and cushions and vases of flowers, but otherwise still the same. From the lounge room the grandfather clock chimed the hour just as it had done since he could remember.

  Already feeling the contentment of being home settle into his bones, Blue entered the kitchen to spend private time catching up with his Dad before the rest of the family descended in a couple of hours.


  Oh boy.

  Standing at the window, peeking around the curtain, Charley watched Blue swing astride the big motorcycle and slide the helmet over his head.

  What was it about a man on a motorbike? They always looked so cool, so controlled, so capable…so bad boy.

  The powerful motorcycle turned onto the road, the engine roared and rider and machine disappeared from sight.

  Letting the little edge of curtain fall back into place, she let out her breath in a long gust. Oh yeah, she’d seen photos of Blue, the youngest of the Wells brothers, with his piercing blue eyes, square jaw and short, dark hair, but seeing him in the flesh was a whole other ball game. The boy-next-door handsomeness had a slight hardness about it, an assuredness of a man who’d seen a lot, worked a dangerous career defending his country, and still smiled.

  Not to mention being pressed against his almost nude, very muscular and warm body was a totally unexpected and undeniably yummy experience. Little goose bumps spiralled down her arms. No way was she going to forget that in a hurry. Blue Wells had felt good, looked good, and for one delicious moment he’d been between her thighs.

  Not in the carnal sense. Too bad.

  “Uncool, Charley,” she muttered. “You’ve got a boyfriend. Not only that, but you are way out of Blue’s league. You’ve seen the photo of his girlfriend.”

  Nope, he was her landlord and that was that. Meeting him in such a manner had simply thrown her off-track, that was all.

  Speaking of which, she had to go shopping for a new dress for the dinner tonight. Gary was out to impress his work colleagues and she had to hold up her end of it, as he’d so nicely said along with a kiss to her cheek. No way could she let him down.

  Grabbing her shoulder bag, she locked the house and drove into the city, parking and hurrying to her favourite dress shop.